Truthnity is a community share the truth where people come daily for inspiration, learn, discuss and contribute. Truthnity was founded and came into this world for this one purpose “to speak the truth”. Truthnity proclaims to the world the truth of the creator , calling for spiritual change. We makes plain the truth, why were you born ? what happens after death ? what does the future hold ?
Truthnity is a community of prophetic understanding, helping to shine the light of the creator on the often-disturbing events and developments that are shaping society and our entire world. Will you heed the watchman’s warning and learn to see where these prophetic trends are leading ?
Truthnity is not alone in pointing out historical parallels. So, with others uttering these warnings, why do you need us? Are we merely repeating what others are saying? Not at all ! Truthnity adds a dimension that others overlook.
And Truthnity proclaims more good news. How many people have been tortured by thoughts of a loved one burning in hell—in agonizing, endless pain with no hope of escape? And many in that supposed condition never even heard the truth of the creator.
Yes, Truthnity explains our world as no other periodical does. It brings history to life, shines a bright light on harmful social trends, and expounds based on the truth what to expect in your near future. It shows the bad, the ugly, and, ultimately, the good news of how things will all turn out for a suffering world.